Work Together

Notice for off-site solvers: this puzzle has physical components, but is fully remote-solvable using just the information on this page.

Once you've solved the puzzle you were given at kickoff, submit the answer here.

At kickoff, teams were told the title of the puzzle, and given one jigsaw piece each. Teams needed to work together to assemble these pieces into the image below:

Additionally, the first 7 teams which arrived were given pieces of paper with the following pieces of information on them:

Slip 1
The team whose name comes first alphabetically gets a point.

Slip 2
The team whose name has a higher scrabble score gets a point. If the two teams have the same scrabble scores, neither of them receive points.

Example: LLAMA has a scrabble score of 7.

Slip 3
The team whose name has a letter repeated the most times gets a point.

Pick whichever letter appears most in the word (or any one of them, if there's a tie) and count the number of times that letter appears. If the two teams have the same values, neither of them receive points.

Example: LLAMA has a value of 2.

Slip 4
The team whose name has a substring of Roman numerals with the greatest value gets a point. The substring must be a valid Roman numeral. If the two teams have the same values, neither of them receive points.

Examples: ILL has a value of 50.
LINK has a value of 51.

Slip 5
The team whose name has the most vowels gets a point. If the two teams have the same values, neither of them receive points.

Example: LLAMA has a value of 2.

Slip 6
The team whose name has the most consonants gets a point. If the two teams have the same values, neither of them receive points.

Example: LLAMA has a value of 3.

Slip 7
The team whose name is the shortest gets a point. If the two teams have names of the same length, neither of them receive points.